Marshall and I have been married for 7 years! We have a daughter named Libby. We dream of traveling, retireing early and adopting. We can't have anymore children, somedays that makes me sad. But I know there are ways around it. So that is where this story begins. In january of 2010 we found out that having anymore children of our own, was out of the question. So we prayed and prayed, and decided that adoption was the next step in life. We have been so blessed with the roller coaster that it has provided, and hope that the ride continues to be all we hoped it would be.

How to contact us

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Vacation part 2

We spent the day at an indoor amusement park. We rode the train 3 times, the cars 4, the carousel 1, the balloons 1.  We had a fun time and it was even more fun because it was free ( Libby was under 3).
the next day we went to Lake Louise and Rode a Gondola up the mountain to see the wonderful sites.  I don't think it was as amazing as everyone says it is.  I figure its because we see beautiful mountains on a daily basis at home.  it made me ready for my mountains.  We figured out that neither Marshall or I like heights, or circles very much on this vacation.  I am glad we have a few more years before we are planning on taking a family vacation to Disney Land.



Our treat after the amusement park. It tasted so good!


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