A book I highly recommend is: Twilight Gives me a chance to live someone else’s dream for a few days. If you are not into vampires then the Hannah Swenson murder mysteries by Joanne fluke are great.
My favorite flower is: Daisy, always have made me smile.
A game I like to play is: Phase 10 Dice, hand and foot, Dr Mario are easy 2 people games enough, for a quiet night together.
The music I listen to most is: 50's 60's 70's disco, current style the old stuff is my dads fault he never should have given me that tape.
My favorite band is: Secondhand Serenade is one of the few bands marshall has that I really like.
A movie I watch over and over is: Pride and Prejudice the 6 hour version is the best because it follows the book the best.
A T.V. show I watch regularly is: Dinner Impossible! I am always been amazed that he can cook is crazy situations
My favorite quote is: I am determined to be happy no matter what my situation may be, for I have learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness of misery depends upon our disposition and not our circumstance. My dad always quotes this to me when I am having a bad day.
My favorite thing to buy is: FOOD, fabric, new kitchen tools. Not shoes or purses sorry not a big shopper. It is probably a good thing but man life gets to be boring just window shopping!
I drive a: Hyundai Sonata
I love to collect: Quilts, and Kitchen tools, you can never have enough tools to make desserts
If I could afford anything at this moment I would buy: House, because I cant figure out what else to spend my money on
If my house was burning down and I could only rescue three things, they would be: My child, My pictures, my grandmother’s quilt. The first 2 are obvious but the second was a quilt made for my grandmother when she got married but the ward members. It is hand stitched blocks with dates and names. She kept it safe from ware and tare for 75 years. It is just a great remembrance from times past.
A smell that makes me pause is: Home made cinnamon rolls, because that is one thing I cant deny myself
My favorite sport to watch is: Hockey! My brothers played in high school and I would spend the entire game cheering and boy did I feel stress free afterwards
The city I would most like to visit is: Paris, the gardens have always intrigued me
My favorite restaurant is: Brick Oven. They have the best Alfredo sauce around
A moment when I achieved absolute happiness was: the first time I was able to look at my daughter
My favorite meal is: Tacos or baked potatoes, or ribs UMMMM
Someone or something that made me laugh this week was: Someone told me that I was not as emotional as the women he knows. He asked why. I laughed and said I was nice and normal because I thought they deserved to see that side of me. He said thanks and I still am laughing about it.
My earliest memory is: Of playing at my grandparents home. We were Easter egg hunting on the hill in the back yard that was a forest. I was with my cousins and we were all laughing.
My first paying job was: Baby sitting for a neighbor with 4 kids. I was excited that someone would trust me to care for their family.
The memory that still makes me laugh is: Watching my brother role-play as my parents. We were making a family video to send to an uncle for his birthday, and my brother thought he would be funny we spent days laughing about how good of an impression he did.
My best birthday was: When I turned 14. My parents gave me my presents throughout the day. I really think it is a great idea and try to do the same for Marshall and Libby
A smell that reminds me of my childhood is: Chocolate chip cookies. I always helped make cookies every Sunday and then taught my sibling how. They still have cookies every Sunday.
The story behind my name is: My mom heard my name in college and wrote it in her journal and when it came time to pick a name she gave my dad 3 options and he liked mine the best.
My favorite color to wear is: Green. I have hazel eyes and when I wear green it makes my eyes look very green
My strangest possession is: Courting candle, in the 1800's it was used to determine how long a couple was allowed to spend together by how much of the candle was showing. It was a gift from my dad who thought it was a great gag gift.
My favorite dessert is: Chocolate or strawberry trifle. I have a great brownie recipe and a yummy strawberry one too. I need to find one with peanut butter.
When I exercise, I like to: Do Richard Simons Sweating to the Oldies, because its funny to watch. And I love the music.
My favorite thing to do on a date is: Go to the theater. If that does not work I really enjoy playing cards with friends because we have a good time laughing.
The best vacation I ever had was: Going to Disney World with my family when we were all old enough to appreciate it. I was almost 15 and we had never been anywhere so amazing. I loved the Universal Studios tour
The best thing about being married is: That someone is always there to talk to me.
The thing I am most passionate about is: Being frugal and money smart. The way to make money is to save money.
Custom Questions
Q1 Do we have a blog: Why Yes we do! it is http://marshallandbrittanysecondbigstep.blogspot.com/
Q2 How cold do you like your Bedroom when you sleep: I prefer my bedroom to be as close to 60 as possible because that is as low as the window AC will get. But I like the rest of the house in the high seventy's (warm) in the morning.
favorite song to listen to when having a bad day: “Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto”. I call my brother and he sings it to me and it always makes me laugh.